Monday, April 1, 2013

love letter to a dutch bike

photo of me and Black Bike by my friend Per

dear Black Bike,
I've missed you since that January day
such a brief encounter we had, 
still I'll be missing you through May. 

such a proud bike 
just standing there.
chain guard, little seat, 
and a bell, you did wear. 

up and down the sidewalk twice, 
was all the time we got. 
we should've ran away together, 
perhaps wed've  gone somewhere hot. 

my other bikes are jealous, 
I talk about you all the time. 
I fear one morning they'll both be gone, 
and the fault will be all mine.

so Black Bike 
I keep my words true.
I hope someday we'll meet again, 
and I promise to never dump you.  

Amsterdam at night taken by Per


  1. !KATH! I finally popped onto my blog and was happy to see updates from you! Oh lordy! Postcards soon(ish)!

