Saturday, March 30, 2013

your program is not loading properly

but looks cool as hell.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

sometimes when you live in an apartment building with people you think you know and something like this appears at your door you realize you really don't know what they know

words walking home

a few premature thoughts about springtime.

the opportunity to 'burn daylight' is once again relevant, because now, there is daylight to speak of. creatures come out of hibernation, as does the poop your neighbor's dog left behind last autumn. side street puddles become tide pools teeming with pitched candy wrappers and hopeless lost (soggy) mittens. icicles once harmless become delicate dangling daggers. the ground once again is steady beneath your feet, the days of sidewalk sheet ice are almost over. you may finally feel like interacting with other human beings again outside of your workplace. the greater Duluth population finally decides to buy the clearance shovels at Menard's, while thinking, "maybe I'll shovel tomorrow"

but then you remember,
it's only March 3rd!
